Test datasets

Below you’ll find detailed information on running modPhred pipeline on test dataset. You have two options:

  • download raw Fast5 files and run modPhred with live basecalling (you’ll need NVIDIA GPU with CUDA installed either locally or in a remote computer)

  • download pre-basecalled Fast5 and run modPhred with pre-basecalled Fast5 files (no GPU needed)

ModPhred pipeline with live basecalling

Download test data

Get raw Fast5 data from PRJEB22772 (subset of reads from NC_000913.3:1-100000):

mkdir -p test
cd test
wget https://public-docs.crg.es/enovoa/public/lpryszcz/src/modPhred/test/ -q --show-progress -r -c -nc -np -nH --cut-dirs=6 --reject="index.html*"

Run modPhred (local basecalling)

Running entire modPhred pipeline with live basecalling (~6 minutes using RTX2080Ti):

~/src/modPhred/run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -i $acc/* -t4 \
    -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_dam-dcm-cpg_hac.cfg \
    --host ~/src/ont-guppy_3.6.1/bin/guppy_basecall_server

Note, you can enable automatic removal of intermediate files (FastQ/M) using --cleanup.

Instead you can run all steps one-by-one as follow:

~/src/modPhred/src/guppy_encode_live.py -i $acc/* -o modPhred/$acc
    -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_dam-dcm-cpg_hac.cfg \
    --host ~/src/ont-guppy_3.6.1/bin/guppy_basecall_server
~/src/modPhred/src/guppy_align.py -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -i modPhred/$acc/reads/*
~/src/modPhred/src/mod_report.py -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -i $acc/*
~/src/modPhred/src/mod_plot.py -i modPhred/$acc/mod.gz

Some examples of visualisation of the obtained results are described here.

Run modPhred (remote basecalling)

If you want to run live basecalling using remote instance of guppy (ie from GridION), you’ll need to provide the IP and the port at which guppy_basecall_server is listening

~/src/modPhred/run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -i $acc/* -t4 --host -p 5556

ModPhred pipeline with basecalled Fast5 files

Download pre-basecalled test data

If you can’t run basecalling, you can download pre-basecalled Fast5 files using:

wget https://public-docs.crg.es/enovoa/public/lpryszcz/src/modPhred/basecalled/ -q --show-progress -r -c -nc -np -nH --cut-dirs=6 --reject="index.html*"

Run modPhred (pre-basecalled)

Running entire modPhred pipeline from basecalled Fast5 files (~4 minutes):

acc=PRJEB22772; ver=3.4.1
~/src/modPhred/run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -ri guppy$ver/$acc/* -t4

Instead you can run all steps one-by-one as follow:

~/src/modPhred/src/guppy_encode.py -o modPhred/$acc -ri guppy$ver/$acc/*
~/src/modPhred/src/guppy_align.py -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -ri modPhred/$acc/reads/*
~/src/modPhred/src/mod_report.py -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o modPhred/$acc -ri guppy$ver/$acc/*
~/src/modPhred/src/mod_plot.py -i modPhred/$acc/mod.gz

Some examples of visualisation of the obtained results are described here.

Note, here we separately basecalled Fast5 files and then ran modPhred. However in real-live, we strongly recommend performing on-the-fly basecalling. You’ll find more usage information here.

Compare modPhred and megalodon results

You can download precomputed modPhred and megalodon results using

wget https://public-docs.crg.es/enovoa/public/lpryszcz/src/modPhred/final/ -q --show-progress -r -c -nc -np -nH --cut-dirs=6 --reject="index.html*"

Now, you can compare predictions made by those tools.

# separate modPhred predictions for 6mA and 5mC and filter to those with 5% frequency and at least 25 reads aligned
for f in modPhred/PRJEB22772/minimap2/*.bam.bed; do echo $f; for m in 6mA 5mC; do grep -w $m $f | awk '$11>=5 && $10>=25' > $f.$m.flt.bed; done; done

# filter results to only sites with at least 5% of reads carrying modificationand at least 25 reads aligned
for f in megalodon/PRJEB22772/*/modified_bases.???.bed; do echo $f; awk '$11>=5 && $10>=25' $f > $f.flt.bed; done

# get number of predictions for each run
wc -l modPhred/PRJEB22772/minimap2/*.flt.bed megalodon/PRJEB22772/*/modified_bases*.flt.bed

# draw Venn diagram for both mods
for m in 6mA 5mC; do
 ~/src/modPhred/src/mod_plot.py --venn {modPhred,megalodon}/PRJEB22772/*/*$m*.flt.bed -n modPhred_1D modPhred_2D megalodon_1D megalodon_2D -o venn.$m.05.svg;

Above will produce Venn diagrams similar to these:

_images/venn.6mA.05.svg _images/venn.5mC.05.svg

For more detailed comparison have a look in modPhred paper.

For more examples of downstream analyses, check here.

Test data generation

The test data was generated from PRJEB22772 by selecting only reads aligned to NC_000913.3:1-100000 as follows:

for d in _archives/raw/$acc/*; do
 s=`echo $d|rev|cut -f1 -d"/"|rev`
 echo `date` $d $s
 if [ ! -d ~/src/modPhred/test/$acc/$s ]; then
  mkdir -p ~/src/modPhred/test/$acc/$s
  # get read IDs
  samtools view modPhred/$acc/minimap2/$s.bam "NC_000913.3:1-100000" | cut -f1 | sort | uniq > modPhred/$acc/minimap2/$s.bam.ids
  # subset reads
  python ~/src/ont_fast5_api/ont_fast5_api/conversion_tools/multi_fast5_subset.py -t 4 --recursive -l modPhred/$acc/minimap2/$s.bam.ids -i $d -s ~/src/modPhred/test/$acc/$s